These beautiful poems are written and generously shared by Donna, a dear friend of group member Helen. Thank you both so much for sharing!... I love the image of memories living on in 'roots buried under the snow'. What are your favorite lines or images?
the raspberry bushes are tired.
they’ve lost their perky brilliance
that shines in the summer sun
when juicy red berries sing,
tops now drooping like
old women and men past their prime.
still, their memories live on
in their roots buried under the snow.
they know who they are -
they rest till their next time to shine.
let yourself fly
change scares me sometimes,
when letting go looms large;
when new life calling
is a vision not grounded in truth yet.
i know this intuition of mine
to be trustworthy,
an omen awakening.
i’ve known the climb to the ridge top
where i bloom to be long,
sometimes rocky, with
boulders that hide lessons
waiting beneath.
“adjust your expectations,
that’s how to survive
this stage of limitations,”
when unfolding your passion
in the winter of life -
one author writes.
i say, find your people to share the journey with,
to support your pursuits, and you theirs.
don’t wait for the time to be right.
go ahead, put together pieces of the puzzle
that help you and others thrive, not just get by.
let yourself fly.
Thank you for sharing these beautiful poems. They are meant to be read again and again. In "let yourself fly" the line below remins me to walk through the wall of fear when I have doubts about scary changes in my life.
" i know this intuition of mine
to be trustworthy,
an omen awakening."